La máquina de fusión a tope operada manualmente se caracteriza por su fácil uso, peso ligero y operación rápida.
Manual Butt Fusion Machines
The manually operated butt fusion machine is featured by easy use, lightweight and quick operation. This compact fusion machine could enable only one operator to do the precise welding at the jobsite. It gives more flexibility to work not only on the ground, but also in the ditch.
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The V series manual hydraulic butt welding machines are applied tojoint PE, PP, PPR and PVDF pipes and moulded fittings. Selection ofcomponents with a long service life ensures a low maintenance andrepair, friendly and reliable operation. lt makes more possibilitiesthrough upgrading the machine to data logged enabled withinstallation of an RIYANG data logger
- The control panel centralized in the hydraulic unit enablesoperators to set welding parameter and execute weldingprocedure conveniently. Also available with digital temperaturecontrol for heating plate and a refined large readable pressuregauge.
- All connections sockets are located at the back of hydraulic unitincluding sockets for trimmer tool and heating plate. AdditionalUSB charging port is ready for charging your mobile phone whenpower off.
- AlI RIYANG manual hvdraulic butt welding machine can easily beupgraded with RIYANG data logger for welding parameter settingviewing, monitoring and recording. So it will comply with maingas welding requirements for data recording and report printing.No need to use full automatic machine.
- All connections sockets are located at the back of hydraulic unitincluding sockets for trimmer tool and heating plate. AdditionalUSB charging port is ready for charging your mobile phone whenpower off.
- With steel side wall and high strength connection bars, themachine chassis could be prevented from being tilt or twist whendragging very long length pipes with most extreme pipeparameters.
- Specifically anti-stick Teflon coated heating plate enables themachine to work in precise way. And long life service is promisedwhen operating in appropriate way. Specifically “c” designedheater handler, PTFE mat adopted with more helps in heatinsulation, both characteristics prevent operators from beinginjured by heat.
- The trimmer tool is driven by a high-quality power motor.Rotating by a transmission chain helps the trimmer work stably
- Friendly designed support is provided to store the heating plateand trimmer tool. No worries for the heating plate be scratchedby sharp objects. And the design “sides-lift enables operators tolift the support up and down expediently, without possibleserious bump to the operators.
- The large brass knob can be easily handled by ratchet wrench,and resistance to rusty. Ratchet wrench is applied for O.D. up to355mm.
Relevant instructions

Each thermoplastic material has a specific melting point, which is the temperature at which it transitions from a solid to a molten state. Heat fusion relies on raising the material's temperature above its melting point to achieve a proper fusion.
Heat is applied to the surfaces of the thermoplastic materials using various methods such as hot plates, heated tools, or specialized fusion equipment. The goal is to raise the temperature of the material to a precise range where it becomes molten but does not degrade.
Heat is applied to the surfaces of the thermoplastic materials using various methods such as hot plates, heated tools, or specialized fusion equipment. The goal is to raise the temperature of the material to a precise range where it becomes molten but does not degrade.
Each thermoplastic material has a specific melting point, which is the temperature at which it transitions from a solid to a molten state. Heat fusion relies on raising the material's temperature above its melting point to achieve a proper fusion.
Heat is applied to the surfaces of the thermoplastic materials using various methods such as hot plates, heated tools, or specialized fusion equipment. The goal is to raise the temperature of the material to a precise range where it becomes molten but does not degrade.
Heat is applied to the surfaces of the thermoplastic materials using various methods such as hot plates, heated tools, or specialized fusion equipment. The goal is to raise the temperature of the material to a precise range where it becomes molten but does not degrade.

frequently asked questions
How could we select the right equipment for our project?
Riyang could offer a variety of pipe fusion machine size up to 3000mm O.D. And each machine has the model number that indicates the maximum pipe size it can fuse. For example, butt fusion machine V630 could fuse maximum pipe 630mm O.D., and from the specification chart, you could always find the minimum size it can fuse. If you have specific requirements for your projects, please consult with Riyang sales.
La máquina de fusión Riyang se ha aplicado en más de 60 países y regiones en los campos de fabricantes de tuberías de polietileno, proyectos de construcción de gas, proyectos de irrigación, instalaciones mineras y civiles, etc. MÁS
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